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Incentivo CONTO TERMICO 2.0

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What is the Incentivo Conto Termico 2.0??

With the Ministerial Decree 28/12/12 better known as "Thermal Account", for the first time in Italy, a specific incentive is assigned to the production of thermal energy from renewable sources and specifically from biomass, ie wood and pellets.

The Thermal Account 2.0, in force since May 31, 2016, strengthens and simplifies the support mechanism already introduced by this decree by introducing some significant changes such as:

■ The simplified direct access procedure for the devices in the catalog
■ The increase in the limit for the disbursement of the incentive in a single installment
(from the previous E 600 to the current E 5.000)
■ The reduction in payment times which, in the new mechanism,
6 to 2 months pass

The virtuous principle of the legislator is simple: to encourage the replacement of obsolete appliances, that is, with low yields and high emissions, rewarding those who install the latest generation appliances that guarantee low emissions into the atmosphere and high energy yields. The State therefore supports citizens who, in specific situations and with the purchase of products with certain characteristics, help the environment and at the same time also favor the reduction of global energy consumption.


What are the products that can be incentivized?

In order to take advantage of the incentives provided by the Thermal Account, the new replacement product must meet particular requirements and quality standards in terms of performance and emissions into the atmosphere.


Climatic zones

The contribution guaranteed by the Thermal Account varies according to the power of the appliance, its emissions and the climatic zone in which it will be installed. The aim is to regulate the energy consumption bands throughout the national territory, identifying the average temperatures area by area. The identified areas are 6, and are expressed with letters, from A (lower consumption) to F (higher consumption).

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